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Is guest posting the only way to build links?

Although link building is a time-consuming processes, it still is one of the most essential elements in any website’s SEO toolkit. Most people choose to go with guest posting to earn links and build their website’s authority. However, plain old guest posting doesn’t bring a lot of diversity to your link building campaigns. So if you’re looking to spice up your link building campaign, here are a few techniques other thank guest posting.

Broken Link Building: First, you need to create a high quality page on your website that any relevant external website would want to be linked to. Then you need to curate a list of websites that are currently linking to a page which used to have content similar to yours but is now non-existent (hence, a “broken link”). You will then want to do outreach, explain that they have a broken link and recommend that they link to your page now because it’s (a.) non-broken and (b.) so much better than the previous page. Most site owners are more than happy to update their link to yours.

Appearing On Podcast Interviews: Either create your own podcast or appear as a guest on someone else’s. Podcast owners usually write up on their blog about the podcast and link to the guest’s website.

Interview Industry Experts: Interviewing industry experts almost always guarantees high traffic to your page as most users are eager to hear from them.

Image Link Building & Infographics: Many sites would want to use your image if it’s really cool, like a funny version of a meme, a high quality unique image or a useful infographic. Most of them will credit you and link back to your website, and you can always reach out to those who aren’t linking to request the backlink you deserve.

HARO: This stands for “Help a Reporter Out.” A great way to get a mention or even a link from a reputable news source, this service is used by journalists who need a quote from an industry expert/source/you for articles they are working on.

Niche Directories: In this low effort-moderate return venture, you just have to see if there are good directories your business should be listed in. Almost every niche has at least a couple that you can be listed in.

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