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The Evolution of Google-Rich Snippets


We all are familiar with the turbulent and volatile nature of the search. Google Rich Results is one such feature that has been through a roller-coaster ride. The feature has been introduced and then removed numerous times by Google. 

First, let’s take a step back and let’s understand what rich results are. Rich results are improved search results providing users a visually appealing and more informative content directly on the Search Engine Result Pages. Rich results can include pictures, reviews, and FAQs. 

Despite the unpredictable past rich results, especially FAQ Schemas, are expected to evolve in the future due to their growing impact on improving the search experience for users. 

FAQ Schema and Its Significance.

FAQ Schema is a structured data markup that can be included in the HTML code to provide search engines with information about frequently asked questions and answers regarding your content. FAQ schema provides you with a chance to display your FAQs as a rich result on the search engine result pages. 

In this dynamic landscape of search FAQ Schema holds significant importance in the coming years. With new innovations and updates constantly trying to push the boundaries of providing a richer, and more holistic experience to the user, we can only expect the growing popularity of FAQ Schemas in the future. Here are some main reasons why we think you should plan your SEO strategies with FAQ schemas in mind:  

  • Improved Visibility

Improved Visibility

FAQ schemas help significantly improve the website’s visibility. It enables you to present your FAQs as a rich result, which ensures your website to stand out from the clutter of SERPs. 

  • Enhanced User Experience 

Enhanced User Experience

Featuring your FAQs as a rich snippet on the SERPs using FAQ schemas also aids in improving the user experience, as users can read the FAQs on the SERP without clicking on to the link and visiting the website. 

  • Data Structuring 

These schemas also help structure the information on the webpage in a way that is easier for Google crawlers to understand. With the sophistication of Google’s algorithms, structuring the data is a necessary step as it increases your chances of featuring as a rich snippet of the SERPs.  

  • Establishing Credibility

Establishing Credibility

FAQ schemas can is also an effective way to establish the authority of a website. You can optimize the questions and answers in your FAQs with relevant keywords which will improve the relevance and credibility of your website. 

Future Outlook of Google Rich Snippets

Despite the uncertain past, we do believe that Google Rich snippets are going to feature more in search conversations in the future. 

This is due to the increased attention of search engines towards the relevance and quality of the content. FAQ schemas and other such structured data markups make it easy for Google’s crawlers to easily understand the data so that it can be ranked easily. Furthermore, in order to prioritize the relevance of the content for users, rich results are gaining popularity as they provide the summary of necessary information to the user without even opening the webpage. 

Additionally, rich results will continue to prevail and evolve in the future as it helps search engines improve the user experience of people.   

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